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BIONIQUE - office for architectural and interior design


Resource page offers additional info about construction process, interesting facts about architecture, art and music, quotes, sketches and links to government incentives.

Guide to building permits: From idea to use of the facility

Not sure what you need from the documentation to obtain a building permit? You would like to know more about all the steps necessary to get a use permit? The answers to all your questions can be found at the following link. The “Building Permits Guide” on our web-site is a detailed guide to all procedures in a unified procedure – from the idea to the use of the facility.


Ivan Ilic (TinnituS) is a Serbian music artist working in the fields of sound design and music. He was born in Bor, Serbia in 1980., and lives in Belgrade. Coming from an engineering background, Ivan is fascinated by modular synthesizers and mathematical rules based composition. Since 1996. he has produced electronic music under different names for various independent movies, and theaters with various local artist. After he graduated in TV and audio technologies at Advanced School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade in 2006. he was working there as a lecturer of MIDI Systems and Sound Design. He started his project Tinnitus in 2017.

Qče Films

QČE is a production company working on quirky feature and documentary films that don’t fit any profile. It rather choses a lifeful mountain path than a safe freeway.